Wood Encouragement Policy for the Fraser Coast

Hyne Timber congratulates the Fraser Coast Council on their announcement of a Wood Encouragement Policy earlier today.

Hyne Timber's CEO, Jon Kleinschmidt said a number of progressive regions throughout the world have such a policy and it is fitting for the Fraser Coast to take this lead for Queensland.

"A Wood Encouragement Policy ensures consideration for responsibly grown and manufactured timber for all local government procurement, whether buildings, bridges or interior design at the initial concept stage.

"The primary purpose is to realise environmental carbon gains through the use of a sustainable resource, support timber/construction innovation, realise lower construction costs and gain construction safety benefits." Mr Kleinschmidt said.

Such a policy further supports the Australian growers, manufacturers and prefabricators of timber construction solutions, jobs, industry growth and economic growth for regions such as the Fraser Coast.

"The Fraser Coast has a significant timber history and is therefore well placed to lead such an economic, environmental and cultural shift for Queensland.

"I would like to congratulate the Council on this progressive announcement." Mr Kleinschmidt concluded.

Experts claim responsibly sourced timber is the only truly sustainable construction material for our future.

Earlier this week, Hyne Timber announced the commissioning of their new CNC Machine, a Hundegger K2i, which is an automatic joinery machine capable of cutting, drilling, slotting and profiling timber dimensions ranging from 50mm x 20mm to 1200mm x 300mm up to 19m long.

The machine is the only one of its kind in Queensland and opens up a whole range of cost effective structural and aesthetic solutions for designers and architects alike.

Hyne Timber were recently announced the winners of the 'Trade and Manufacturing' category and the 'Innovation' category at the Fraser Coast Business Awards.

The case study successfully presented for the 'Trade and Manufacturing' category was the Dorrigo Medical Centre. The Centre was constructed using 36.5 metre curved beams manufactured in their Maryborough glue laminating plant.

The case study successfully presented for the 'Innovation' category is Hyne Timber's engineered timber bridge solution predominantly prefabricated using Queensland grown plantation softwood. The bridge is 10 metres long, made up of three prefabricated panels which were quickly and easily lowered into place in the plantation forest near Poona, Fraser Coast.

Sustainability is key for our future; timber is key to sustainable construction.