

World studies have shown that being surrounded by wood at home, work or school has positive effects on our health, such as improved emotional state and self-expression, feelings of warmth and comfort, lower blood pressure, heart rate and stress levels.

A 2010 study* observed students in wood and non-wood offices before, during and after assignment to a stressful task. The results showed lower stress levels on students in the wood office compared to the non-wood office, providing evidence that wood produces stress-reducing effects similar to the effect of exposure to nature, in the field of environmental psychology.

* Source: Fell, D. R. Wood in the human environment: Restorative properties of wood in the built indoor environment. (The University of British Columbia, 2010)


Hyne Timber has extensive experience in the education sector, providing Lightweight products such as T2 Blue framing and Massive products including Beam 17 Glue Laminated Timber (GLT), to provide structural and aesthetic benefits for both designers and builders.

Some of our Education sector projects include:

  • The University of Queensland (Beam 17, Beam 21)
  • The University of the Sunshine Coast (Beam 17)
  • Ipswich University Library (Beam 18)
  • Monash University (Beam 18)
  • Woodleigh School Senior Homestead (Beam 21)

Project Sheet: University of Queensland


Project Sheet: University of the Sunshine Coast
