Tumbarumba regional community groups are reminded the Hyne Community Trust will open for applications on 1 June 2020 for four weeks.
The trust supports projects valued over $10,000 that can demonstrate how they will provide lasting benefits to the community.
A recently successful applicant by way of example, was Cycle Tumbarumba and the Pump Track.
President of Cycle Tumbarumba, Peter Marshall said a pledge of financial support from the Hyne Community Trust was instrumental in securing the Pump Track for Tumbarumba.
“We were pledged $50,000 support from the Hyne Community Trust pending us raising the additional funding required.
“With this pledge, we were able to successfully gain a grant from the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund through Snowy Valleys Council, which saw the track officially open in late 2018.
“Due to COVID-19, the Pump Track, like skate parks, is currently closed but restrictions will be easing soon. It will again be a great way for people of all ages to get out on their bike on this professionally designed track.
“Pumping is a core skill in Mountain Biking and one which I’ve set as homework for the Strava Challenge participants this week, so I’m sure you’ll see many adults as well as kids practicing.
“The Pump Track has been incredibly popular, especially amongst the region’s youth and Snowy Valley’s Council have now installed a second track in Tumut.
“It is a great way for people and families to get out, active and healthy on their bike.
“If the Hyne Community Trust can continue to support initiatives that bring this type of lasting benefit to our community, that can only be a good thing.” Mr Marshall said.
Community groups considering applying for a Hyne Community Trust grant this June should start reviewing the guidelines available here and consider how their application will provide long lasting benefits to the community.
Projects must be valued over $10,000 in order to meet the criteria.
The application form will be made available once the 2020 round is open on 1 June.
For more information, email tumbatrust@hyne.com.au