Hyne Community Trust – Just Over 1 Month Until Applications Open

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the annual Hyne Community Trust grants will be open for online applications as of the first of June as usual.

As community groups consider their initiatives and eligibility in accordance with the guidelines, we take a look back at past recipients and how grants continue to benefit the Tumbarumba region today.

Granted almost $27,000 in Trust funds over the years, and with continued support by way of Hyne timber supply, the Tumbarumba Men’s Shed is going from strength to strength, having increased its active membership fourfold in the past 12 months alone.

Secretary Ron Sommer says the past 12 months have been the busiest year yet since inception in 2012 with a range of commissioned projects seeing the Shed continue to provide services to the community.

“The primary purpose of the Tumbarumba Men’s Shed is for men to become mates and support one another while providing a valued service to the community.

“We have had a particularly tough year with one member losing his home and others with impacted properties during the bushfires and now COVID-19. Mateship and peer support are more important now than ever.

“We have seen a significant increase in membership including many enquiries from spouses looking for ways to support their husbands and get them working together on meaningful projects.” Mr Sommer said.

The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail which officially and virtually opened earlier this month is one of those meaningful, community projects. The Tumbarumba Men’s Shed partnered with the local Historical Society, restoring 100-year-old level crossing gates, manufactured and installed seating and picnic tables, restored several railway station name signs, mile markers and speed signs, manufactured and installed bicycle racks and installed large social history information boards.

The regular commissioning of other community projects hasn’t stopped as the strong reputation of the Men’s Shed continues to grow. From building a chicken run for the local Carcoola Children’s Centre to their ongoing supply of toy jeeps and rocking horses for sale, the Shed has a strong financial position and is able to support the community in other ways.

“We have a great facility and during the recent bushfires, we were able to open it up for use by the Local Land Services who used the centre for fodder and veterinary service distribution to the many livestock owners impacted.

“We have an ongoing pipeline of work so while the Shed is currently closed from an openly social perspective, we have implemented COVID-19 restrictions and rostering in order to maintain social distancing while sharing the work around, staying connected while continuing to deliver our community service.” Mr Sommer concluded.

The Tumbarumba Men’s Shed will continue to welcome new members once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. There is an annual $40 membership fee to assist with covering the operating costs.

The Hyne Community Trust was established in Tumbarumba in 2007.

Hyne Community Trust Director, Janet Anderson said it is always reassuring that the grants are awarded well with funds continuing to benefit the community in the long term.

“It is great to see the Hyne Community trust delivering ongoing value to the residents of the Tumbarumba region. This is exactly what the Hyne Community Trust grants are intended to do, to co-contribute or accelerate projects to achieve bigger and better results for the community.

“The Men’s Shed is one of many examples of a much-valued community recipient of Hyne Community Trust Funds.” Mrs Anderson said.

Community groups considering applying for a Hyne Community Trust grant this June should start reviewing the guidelines available here and consider how their application will provide long lasting benefits to the community.

Projects must be valued over $10,000 in order to meet the criteria.

The application form will be made available once the 2020 round is open on 1 June. 

For more information, email tumbatrust@hyne.com.au


Hyne Community Trust: 0455 087 118
Tumbarumba Men’s Shed: Ron Sommer: 0438 002 740