A delegation from the Fraser Coast’s Japanese Sister City, Kasukabe visited Hyne Timber and Altus Renewables in Maryborough today.
The visit coincides with the five-year anniversary of the signing of the Kasukabe –Maryborough Sister City agreement in 2014 which followed the formation of a friendship agreement in 1997.
Kasukabe’s Vice Mayor, Mr Takahisa Tanemura and Chairperson of the Kasukabe City Council, Mr Susumo Kaneko head the 14-strong delegation.
During their visit to the region the delegation will attend a business meeting with Council and Chambers of Commerce representatives, attend a commemorative event for the signing of the Sister City agreement, plant a Wollemi pine tree at the Hervey Bay Botanic Gardens, visit the Fraser Coast Wildlife Sanctuary in Maryborough and go whale watching.
“It is a pleasure to host the delegation from our Sister City and be able to showcase the Fraser Coast,” Mayor George Seymour said.
“There are a number of innovative companies on the Fraser Coast who have developed close trading links with Japan. Through this visit we are able to showcase our businesses and build on the cultural and personal links we have with our Sister City.”
Hyne Timber presented to the delegation including information about its long history and growth plans such as its new Glue Laminated Timber plant that is under construction in Maryborough.
“It was a pleasure to welcome the delegation at the Tuan Mill and talk about the scale of softwood manufacturing, innovative technology in the region as well as our sustainably grown, certified local softwood supply,” Hyne Timber Strategic Relations Manager, Katie Fowden said.
“The Japanese are known for their timber craft skills.
“Japan is home to the world’s oldest wooden building, Horyuji Temple which dates back to 700AD and there are many other timber temples still showcasing timber structures over 1300 years later.”
Japan has a significant interest in renewable energy so the delegation’s itinerary also included a visit to Altus Renewables.
Atlus converts Hyne Timber’s sawdust by-product into small pellets.
“We buy all the sawdust and shavings we can get from Hyne Timber, Wades Sawmill and others in the region,” Altus Renewables Maryborough Plant Manager David Knight said.
The plant compresses and dries the sawdust to maximise fuel quality while making transport significantly more cost efficient.
“The majority of our pellets are exported through the Bundaberg Port to customers around the world, including Japan. The renewable pellets are used in their power stations to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels,” Mr Knight said.