Hyne Community Trust Grants Now Open

Between now and the end of June, Tumbarumba based community groups are invited to submit their applications for a grant valued over $10,000 as part of the Hyne Community Trust.

The application form and guidelines are available on the Hyne Timber website as well as hard copies available at the Tumbarumba Council Offices reception. 

The Trust Chairman, Dale McLachlan said the annual Hyne Community Trust has been supporting community projects since 2007 totalling over $500,000 being contributed to date.

“These grants are for larger projects that have a lasting impact on the Tumbarumba region.

“A great example of a past recipient is the Equine Club who, over the years, have received approximately $80,000 in Trust funds.

“They used the funds to build an amenities block and significantly improve the facilities to attract more attendees, participants and users to the Tumbarumba Racecourse Reserve.

 “I encourage all potential applicants to read the guidelines carefully. We received some applications last year which were less than the minimum $10,000 value for example. A minimum $10,000 value is an eligibility criteria which needs to be met.” Mr McLachlan said.

Equine Club committee project manager, Brett Livermore said the Hyne Community Trust grant was instrumental in accelerating ongoing improvement projects at the towns Racecourse Reserve.

“Since building the amenities block which was majority funded by the Hyne Community Trust, we have now added a canteen and bar. We have laid new water mains to provide taps and water supply throughout the camp areas with more and more people attending our events.

“The camp draft weekend attracts around 500 people to the town from all over the country and we want them to have a great time, tell their friends about our events and visit again.

“The Racecourse Reserve is used by many community members such as for polocrosse, pony club, Zone 20 pony camp, adult riding, rodeo school and the local primary school cross country carnival.

“Having good quality facilities is important and we will continue to work with the community to make improvements as funds become available.” Mr Livermore said.

Community groups considering applying for a Hyne Community Trust grant this month should start by reviewing the guidelines available at https://www.hyne.com.au/hyne-community-trust and consider how their application will provide long lasting benefits to the community.

Projects must be valued over $10,000 in order to meet the criteria.

For more information, email tumbatrust@hyne.com.au.



Hyne Community Trust: 0455 087 118

Equine Club Brett Livermore: 0448 817 622