New Tumboosh Facility Provides Further Value to Tumbarumba

Commencing this week, the Tumbarumba Tumboosh facility will be providing an additional service to the Tumbarumba community with the re-launch of the Carcoola Children’s Centre ‘School Readiness Program’.

The Tumboosh facility was established last year to provide Tumbarumba’s only before and after school care and vacation program for primary school children with the support of an $86,000 grant from the Hyne Community Trust.

The neighbouring Carcoola Children’s Centre have identified an opportunity to establish a new class room environment during the day for pre-schoolers when the facility would otherwise not be in use.

Early Childhood Teacher, Megan Couzens said school readiness is an important focus for those commencing primary school next year,

“Primary school is a very different learning environment from pre-school and it is challenging to focus on school readiness when there is a mix of students who may or may not be commencing school next year.

“Tumboosh is a fantastic new facility intended for before and after school care but why not make additional use of it during the day as part of a focused school readiness program?

“We can set up a more formal class room environment with age appropriate, school readiness activities for those students who will definitely commence school next year.

“There could be anything between 12 and 17 children per day benefiting from the new School Readiness Program depending on daily enrolments,” Ms Couzens said.

Molly Forrest, Rhyan Gairn, Megan Couzens and Jayden Gibson Megan Couzens and Jayden Gibson

The Carcoola Children’s Centre School Readiness Program has been in the making for some weeks with a planned commencement date to coincide with the return from the Easter break.

While it has been run as part of the Centre’s programs in the past, the Centre has since become too full with competing use of space to be able to run the program effectively.

Chair of the Hyne Community Trust, Dale McLachlan said the Tumboosh grant was one of the single, largest grants given out to date and further value add for the community is welcomed,

“$86,000 was granted towards establishing the dedicated Tumboosh facility to provide before and after school care in the region.

“To now learn that this grant is able to provide even more benefit than initially applied for is a great example of the Hyne Community Trust providing long term, ongoing benefits.

“Well done to the Snowy Valleys Council and their children’s services staff for their initiative and dedication which continues to see improvements to their local services.

“With only one month to go until the 2019 round of grants opens for applications, I encourage Tumbarumba region community groups and organisations to familiarise themselves with the guidelines.

“If they have a project valued over $10,000 that can deliver long term benefits to the community, they are likely eligible to apply.” Mr McLachlan said.

Mayor James Hayes and Dale McLachlan at the Tumboosh Launch 9 August 2018

Recent examples of successful Hyne Community Trust applications include Cycle Tumbarumba with a $50,000 grant towards the Pump Track, The Rotary Club for their new storage building and Carcoola Children’s Services towards their building extension.

Community groups considering applying for a Hyne Community Trust grant this June should start reviewing the guidelines available here and consider how their application will provide long lasting benefits to the community.

Projects must be valued over $10,000 in order to meet the criteria.

The application form will be made available once the 2019 round is open on 1 June.

For more information, email



Hyne Community Trust: 0455 087 118 /