Hyne Community Trust RSL Grant Still Giving Years Later

The year the Hyne Community Trust was established in Tumbarumba in 2007, the Tumbarumba RSL Sub-Branch was awarded one of the first grants to purchase a Yard Arm flagpole.

Twelve years on, President, Martin Brown and Treasurer, Barry Houting proudly spoke with Hyne Community Trust Directors about improvements made to Memorial Park over the years which will soon, once again, host ANZAC Day commemorative events.

President, Martin Brown said Memorial Park in Tumbarumba is the heart of community commemorative gatherings as well as an all year recreational space where people can pay their respects to our service men and women.

Memorial Park Upgrades Proudly Funded by the Hyne Community Trust

“Four local schools, their families and the broader community will be participating in this years ANZAC Day, benefiting from this space which we continue to improve year on year.

“The funding from the Hyne Community Trust has enabled the park to have a lit Yard Arm upon which the Australian, New Zealand and Australian Aboriginal flags are raised during ceremonial occasions.

“We also added a Peacekeepers plaque to the memorial, acknowledging all our Tumbarumba community members who served all over the world. Some of those acknowledged are valued members of the community today and members of the Sub-Branch.

“Finally, we were able to develop and install educational signage to accompany the M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier which the Sub-branch purchased from the Department of Defence.” Mr Brown said.

Martin Brown Katie Fowden and Barry Houting

Hyne Community Trust Directors, Janet Anderson, Katie Fowden and Bernadette Alleyn welcomed the opportunity to learn first-hand how the grant was spent and how the Tumbarumba community continues to benefit from this today.

Trust Director, Bernadette Alleyn said the Trust grant criteria includes demonstrating lasting benefits for the community of Tumbarumba.

“The RSL Sub-branch grant application and the improvements to Memorial Park as a result is a great example of the kind of applications the Trust wants to receive each year.

“With the passion of the Sub-Branch committee, Memorial Park continues to improve and provides Tumbarumba with a fitting memorial and commemorative park for the community to remember our Tumbarumba service personnel and community ancestors.

“I personally attend the services on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day and appreciate the benefit Memorial Park brings for all involved and for years to come.” Mrs Alleyn said.

In 2018, the Hyne Community Trust awarded grants to Puggles Children’s Services to refurbish their storage shed and the Rotary Club of Tumbarumba to build a new storage shed.

The Hyne Community Trust grants 2019 will reopen for applications in June for projects valued over $10,000 which demonstrate lasting benefits to the community.

The Guidelines are available here and the application form will be made available once the 2019 round is open.

For more information, email tumbatrust@hyne.com.au

Photo 1: Janet Anderson, Bernadette Alleyn, Martin Brown and Barry Houting
Photo 2: Memorial Park - Upgrades Proudly Funded by the Hyne Community Trust
Photo 3: Martin Brown, Katie Fowden and Barry Houting