Today saw the official opening of Tumboosh, Tumbarumba’s only before and after school care, and vacation care program for primary school children.
The event was celebrated with the official unveiling of a plaque and cutting of a cake by the Hyne Community Trust Chair, Dale McLachlan and the Snowy Valley’s Council Mayor, James Hayes.
The construction of the dedicated facility were enabled by an $86,000 grant from the Hyne Community Trust, a $30,000 grant from the NSW Department of Education and Training with the balance and ongoing operations supported by the Snowy Valley’s Council as part of their broader children’s services.
Ms Tracy Wiggins, the Snowy Valley’s Council Divisional Manager Community Services said the establishment of the new Tumboosh facility provides sustainable before and after school care and vacation care into the future,
“Before and after school care in addition to vacation care provides a valuable, safe and social environment for children to play, engage and learn new skills outside of the classroom and family home”.
“The new facility provides a dedicated place for the children to belong which is an important part of the curriculum”.
“Without the generous support of a Hyne Community Trust grant and the NSW Department of Education and Training, regardless of the weather, young children were having to make their way across the town to shared facilities.” Ms Wiggins said.
Tumboosh is now co-located adjacent to the primary school and forms part of the Carcoola Children’s Centre, enabling a safer transition of children before and after the school day.
Prior to the establishment of the dedicated facilities, before and after school care, and vacation care was available at the basketball stadium building across town provided the stadium wasn’t otherwise booked.
“The new facilities are part of the Carcoola Children’s Centre licence which can cater for up to 79 children, of which 24 spaces are for before and after school care, and vacation care users.
“This provides us with much more flexibility, ensuring we can provide the required services for the Tumbarumba community while meeting staff to child ratios throughout the centre”.
“Shared services also reduce the ongoing administration, operating and maintenance costs.” Ms Wiggins concluded.
The service operates from 6.30am to 9am and 3pm to 6pm each school day in addition to vacation care during school holidays.
Hyne Community Trust Chairman, Dale McLachlan said Tumboosh was exactly the kind of long term community benefit the committee looks for in its applications.
“The trust grants are for large community projects, valued over $10,000 that can demonstrate a lasting benefit to the town of Tumbarumba.
“Special thanks and acknowledgement must go to Ms Tracy Wiggins who was instrumental in securing the grant and seeing the project come to fruition over a number of years”.
“Ms Wiggins continues to be a passionate advocate for the service and all it provides for the community”.
“Well done to Council, Tracy Wiggins and the Tumboosh staff for their hard work and dedication which has resulting in the successful establishment of this much needed service.” Mr McLachlan said.
The Hyne Community Trust is open for applications every June for grants valued over $10,000.
For further information, email us.
Trust guidelines are available here.