Hyne Timber is proud to be partnering with WoodSolutions to supply both lightweight and massive timber elements for the construction of a unique, full-scale multi-storey timber construction model at Holmesglen Institute, Chadstone.
Laurence Ritchie, WoodSolutions Mid-Rise Advisory Program’s Cost and Program Estimator said the model, once completed, will provide a real to-scale-example of lightweight timber framed and Cross Laminated Timber mid-rise construction elements and systems.
“The model will be three storey’s in height and is intended to demonstrate the structural, fire rating, and acoustic systems commonly seen in mid-rise timber construction.
“In partnership with our timber suppliers, we will be hosting a series of one-on-one discussions, group seminars and displays, hands on training and workshops, student education sessions etc to a broad range of stakeholders throughout the design and construction sector.
“Having actively worked amongst this sector for a number of years, the questions we field and the apparent unknowns led to the idea of this model being developed so people can see, touch, feel, learn and understand timber solutions in mid-rise construction for themselves.” Mr Ritchie concluded.
Hyne Timber, a gold sponsor of the WoodSolutions Mid Rise Advisory Program, welcomed the idea to construct the mock-up and look forward to showcasing the elements once completed.
To read more about one of Hyne Timber’s valued end users who switched from steel to timber for mid-rise construction, click here.
Media Contact: communications@hyne.com.au / 0455 087 118