BIM User Guide

How do I load Hyne Timber's GLT BIM families in Revit®?
  1. Download the .ZIP file containing the Revit family (.rfa file), Type catalogue (.txt file) and image files for material rendering
  2. Save them in the same location in your computer
  3. Open Revit and in the 'Insert' tab, click on 'Load Family'
  4. From the file explorer, select the Revit family/families to load
  5. Select the family types (beam and column sizes) required in the 'Specify Types' screen and click OK
  6. Once loaded, the selected types can be found under the appropriate category from within the Project Browser
How do I apply the texture image files into my projects?
  1. Ensure you have a folder called "TextureSupport" (included in the download .ZIP file) saved in a known location
  2. In Revit, go to the Application Menu ("R" icon) and click on 'Options',
  3. Select 'Rendering' in the left panel
  4. Click the green "+" button to add a field to the 'Additional Render Appearance Paths'
  5. In the right of that newly created field click the [...] button to open the 'Browse for folder' dialogue
  6. Browse and select the extracted folder from step 1 "TextureSupport"
  7. Click 'Open'
  8. Then click on OK
Options dialogue