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Today, Hyne Timber's CEO Jon Kleinschmidt confirmed the company's continued support for Marine Rescue Hervey Bay with the ongoing sponsorship of the vessel, 'Hyne Timber Rescue'.

Three years on from becoming a major sponsoring partner, today marked the signing of a further 3 year sponsorship agreement.

Marine Rescue Hervey Bay provides a necessary search and rescue service in addition to medical evacuations, supporting our emergency services.

On average, they undertake 30 – 40% of medivacs from Fraser Island for a fraction of the cost of using a helicopter. Marine Rescue Hervey Bay also provide a breakdown service for the many boaties on the water before they find themselves in more serious trouble.

Their Government funding allocation covers less than 15% of their operating costs meaning they rely on community donations, corporate sponsorships, memberships and income received from non-member boat breakdown call-outs.

Mr Kleinschmidt signed a new major sponsorship agreement with the volunteer organisation today with Commodore John Smith thankful for the support.

"Having Hyne Timber's support means we can continue to operate 'Hyne Timber Rescue', providing search and rescue operations, medivacs and breakdown support."

"Many people think Marine Rescue is here to support our members only, and while this is an important part of our service, we offer much more to the broader community during times of need.

"Our volunteers, who are on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, do a great job, giving up their time to assist others."

"Having this recognised by large companies in the area is great support and provides us with improved operating security and advanced services to the community." Mr Smith concluded.

Boat users in the area should all be members with annual fees as low as $55 entitling them to tows as required for the cost of bowser fuel only. Superior membership options are also available.

The fundraising golf day sponsored by Barney's Marine is fast approaching on Friday 24th August and there is still time to sponsor the event or book in your team.

To join, donate, have some golf day fundraising fun or just to learn more, visit / 07 4128 9666.