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Hyne Timber and Richers Transport have partnered to support the latest hay run, delivering hay to drought affected Queensland farmers.

An iconic Maryborough based Richers B-double truck is one of hundreds of trucks making up what is possibly the world’s longest convoy. The final convoy into Ilfracombe is expected to be 170km long.The truck was loaded with over 60 bales of hay in Byee, proudly supported by Hyne Timber. Hyne Timber Communications Manager, Katie Fowden said the company was very supportive of this great cause.

“Hyne Timber and Richers Transport, both iconic Maryborough businesses, have enjoyed a partnership for over 30 years.
“When we heard Richers was donating a truck to this hay run, partnering to donate the funds for hay and other associated costs to help out our farmers was a given.
“Our employees at our head office in Maryborough have raised funds in the past for this cause and it was clear they are supportive of their company getting involved.
“They even added a few items to their personal grocery shop to donate 16 snack packs for the Maryborough based truck drivers.” Ms Fowden said.

The main catering for the Maryborough truck drivers and volunteer organisers is kindly provided by the Tiaro Lions Club throughout the round trip.
The entire convoy will meet on Friday morning in Augathella before making their way to Ilfracombe where the hay is distributed to surrounding farms.
Collectively, the hay is expected to deliver a month’s food for livestock, providing much needed respite to farmers.

It isn’t too late to donate and more hay runs are currently being planned. Anyone wanting to donate to help our farmers can make a direct transfer to ‘The Rotary Club of Maryborough City’, BSB: 034 128, account number 314 522.

Picture: Courtesy of Hyne Timber. More photos Available on the Official Hyne Timber Facebook Page