Hyne Timber Supports Students Experience Kokoda Trail

Hyne Timber has presented a $10,000 cheque to the Rotary Club of Tumbarumba to assist in funding 17 Tumbarumba High School students participating in this year’s trek of the Kokoda Trail.Hyne Timber Manufacturing Manager, Chris Skeels-Piggins said this is an excellent individual development opportunity with significant community support which Hyne Timber has proudly sponsored since its inception in 2007, “The 2015 trek will be the fifth Kokoda Trail experience Hyne Timber has supported and each time we see more and more community support and hear about the life changing experiences of the students.“Hyne Timber is a large employer in the town so it isn’t surprising that many of the students to have benefitted from this experience over the years have been children of our employees and a number of them now work at the Hyne Timber Mill. “In addition to this financial support, we are pleased to support Hyne Timber staff who wish to accompany the students as guides and supervisors. This year Bruce Wright, Site Services Manager and Judy Kelso, Dispatch Officer will be accompanying the students.” Mr Skeels-Piggins said.
The year 11 and 12 students have been training and fundraising in anticipation of the two week experience which sees them walk the Kokoda Trail while experiencing local villages, exploring the Isurava Battlefield Memorial, the Eora Creek battle site, the Brigade Hill Memorial and many other historic sites. Upon completion, the students visit Bomana War Cemetery and the sights of Port Moresby.

Fundraising towards this biennial experience requires significant community involvement such as charity dinners and community functions, ‘trekathons’, catering for the Bridge Congress, Tumbafest food stalls, stage plays, clean up Australia Day and catering at the Lions Club New Years Day BBQ.

Tiarne Powell, a year 12 student who will be participating in the 2015 Kokoda Trail experience said this has already been a life changing experience and the trek is over a month away, “We have been training hard around the local region, working as a team, getting fitter and mentally prepared for what lies ahead. “I’ve been studying the history and was privileged to have learnt first-hand of the plight of those who spent time on the track back in 1942 from the late Veteran, Bede Tongs, who was a member of the Third Battalion.

“I’m really looking forward to living this experience, meeting local villagers and appreciating their lifestyle. Our sponsors such as Hyne Timber make this opportunity a reality for students like me.

“This really is such a big experience; a life changing experience. I’ve got no doubt once I’ve done this, I’ll look back and it will be the most challenging thing I have done so far. I can’t think of anything else that would reach the level of this.” Ms Powell (17) said.

Picture: Hyne Timber Manufacturing Manager Chris Skeels-Piggins presenting the $10,000 cheque to the Rotary Club of Tumbarumba and some students who will be participating on the Kokoda Track. Tumbarumba High School, 4 March 2015.